Derek Sivers
Hi there!
One day I came across a book titled “Anything You Want” by this guy Derek Sivers; And boy since that day my life has changed for real good.
In that book, he shared how he accidentally started a business and later sold it for a large amount of money and donated the majority of that money.
His content can be read on his website “” and he has also made some YouTube videos called “Uncommon Sense” sharing some parts of the same journey (here-
He has written a few more books that I’m very soon gonna read.
Later I came across a short video of his which, which shared a little but very important philosophy, that I too have adopted and it just helps so so much that I can’t thank him enough. (Link to that video-
I once emailed him that I want to read his book “Anything You Want” and I want it for free from him as I can’t buy it right now, and he just did that. And I was like “No way! That’s crazy!” And yes he is crazy, but I simply love him. (Snap of that mail is attached at the end.)
I read his blogs regularly. They are thought-provoking and soothing. And the comments on his blog are also quite interesting. And one blog of his I’m sharing is one of my favorites:
He’s also given some Ted Talks that are worth watching.
Best Wishes!